Current Standings
Kerry has an 80% chance of winning the election with an expected 304.2 electoral votes; however, if the election had been held yesterday, Kerry would have had a 95% chance of winning with an expected 311.9 electoral votes. He gets about 51.3% of the two-party popular vote.
Cartogram showing, for each electoral vote, the chances that the leading candidate would win if the election were today:
Cartogram showing, for each electoral vote, the chances that the leading candidate will win on Election Day:
Cartogram showing, for each electoral vote, the expected percentage (of Bush/Kerry votes only) for the leading candidate.
- Extremely Safe (99%+ chance of winning)
Kerry 161: California, Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont.
Bush 132: Alabama, Alaska, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska (at-large and 3rd), North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, Wyoming.
- Very Safe (90-99%)
Kerry 68: Delaware, Hawaii, Michigan, New Mexico, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Washington.
Bush 46: Arizona, Kentucky, Nebraska (1st and 2nd), North Carolina, Tennessee.
- Safe (80-90%)
Kerry 24: Iowa, Maine (at-large and 1st), Minnesota, New Hampshire.
Bush 9: Colorado.
- Very Probable (70-80%)
Kerry 43: Florida, Maine (2nd), West Virginia, Wisconsin.
Bush 13: Virginia.
- Probable (60-70%)
Kerry 0.
Bush 5: Nevada.
- Tossup (55-60%)
Kerry 0.
Bush 17: Arkansas, Missouri.
- Close Tossup (50-55%)
Kerry 20: Ohio.
Bush 0.
- Total
Kerry 316.
Bush 222.
For those interested, I've posted my latest (8/22) survey of Electoral College tracking / prediction / projection / forecast sites here.
Executive summary: currently, of the 42 sites surveyed, 30 show Kerry winning, and 4 others show him ahead. Four sites show Bush winning, and 4 show him ahead. Kerry's lead over Bush has eroded a bit, but he still averages a little under 300 votes.
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